Songbird OT specializes in pediatrics and mental health, and offers support for a variety of areas including:
Fine Motor Skills
Using small muscles to do big things, fine motor skills support all we do with our hands such as handwriting, using tools and playing games.
Gross Motor Skills
Our body moves us through the world, and our large muscles work together to help us run, dance, swim and play sports.
Self-Care Activities
Taking care of ourselves helps our body and mind stay healthy, and self-care activities including brushing teeth, getting dressed and taking a bath can help us feel ready for the day.
Food is the fuel the keeps our body running, and challenges such as picky eating and sensory sensitivities can impact eating a balance of the right foods. OT can help explore strategies to broaden diet and support flexibility at mealtime.
Sensory Processing/ Regulation
Sight, sound, smell, touch and taste are just the beginning. From feeling the “wiggles” in class, to itchy clothes, OT can support our understanding of how we interpret, organize and respond to sensory information we receive from the world.
Social Skills
Connecting with others is essential to develop a sense of belonging and community. Making friends, learning how to communicate and navigating conflict are all part of social success.
Emotional Regulation
We all experience a range of emotions - anger, frustration, happiness and excitement just to name a few. Sometimes you need support matching the type and level of emotional response to the situation, and we can guide you towards a better understanding and approach to managing your emotions.
Our brains can do amazing things, and allows us to remember an appointment, cook a meal or organize the garage. Memory, attention and planning are all areas we can develop to live our lives with confidence and independence.
Visual Perception
Patterns, puzzles and mazes are in more than games, and are everywhere in the world. Our visual perception skills help us to identify and interpret objects around us.
Mental Health
Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, as it is the key to how we respond to challenges and experience our world. OT can develop strategies to support mental health through providing education and using real-world examples to practice navigating challenges in a healthy and effective way.
When our thoughts, feelings and behaviours begin to impact how we function every day, psychotherapy can be used to develop healthy thought patterns and enhance mental health. Psychotherapy uses specialized talk therapy approaches such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to promote happiness and meaningful engagement in life.